
Cutain call an Eberron adventure - Solo

  Here is the video where I made a summary of how I played this adventure solo and here is the text file with my rolls and my character stats: art by me :) Colbaltus True Neutral Rogue/Wizard Universalist Str 12 Dex 16 Con 12  Wiz 10 Cha 8 Int 18 Armor 4 + 1 familiar + 1 bladded kilt. Defense 3 HP 6 CP 9 Armand Armadilo familiar +1 to armor Str 4, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 9 Armor 1 Defense 6 + 2 natural + 2 size HP 3 Weapons Mace +3 if enemie is being attacked. Light crossbow + 3 Bladed kilt +0 Spells 0 Ray of frost Mending Detect Magic Message 1 Mage Armor Grease True Strike 2 Invisibility Alter Self 3 Ice ball Courtain Call Scene 1: A Charlatan's Call Max Murlock: Thank you for coming. My name is Max, and I’m in a spot of trouble. Lady Nora approached me and asked that I find her missing husband. She fears he is been kidnapped or worse, but the Watch isn’t taking his disappearance seriously. That’s where you come in. You see… I’m not actually a private investigator. I j

Rednoir in Eberron - The forgotten forge playthrough

Our beloved party going through "The forgotten forge" a level 1 adventure. I didn't like this one that much that's why I kind of struggled to finish it. I mean I like it as a normal adventure but wasn't that great for solo.   This version of the sisterhood is really close to the "canon" group. Except Skyme is a normal halfling and Faraled is a normal elf. Why is the Rednoir Sisterhood in Sharn? Balack thought it was a good place for a party of adventurers to earn some money. Part one: Death in the Upper City 1 The bloody bridge The group is in Sharn, the city of towers. Curtains of water fall from the sky as you traverse the labyrinthine walkways of Sharn. The stone and wooden paths wind around and between the towers and spires high above the ground, forming a complex latticework that can be very confusing on evenings such as this. The rain falls hard, running off higher walkways and balconies in drenching waves, making it difficult to see much more than

Skyme Diablo I version
