Cutain call an Eberron adventure - Solo


Here is the video where I made a summary of how I played this adventure solo and here is the text file with my rolls and my character stats:

art by me :)

Colbaltus True Neutral
Rogue/Wizard Universalist

Str 12 Dex 16 Con 12  Wiz 10 Cha 8 Int 18

Armor 4 + 1 familiar + 1 bladded kilt.
Defense 3
HP 6
CP 9

Armand Armadilo familiar +1 to armor

Str 4, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 9

Armor 1
Defense 6 + 2 natural + 2 size
HP 3

Mace +3 if enemie is being attacked.
Light crossbow + 3
Bladed kilt +0

Ray of frost
Detect Magic

Mage Armor
True Strike

Alter Self

Ice ball

Courtain Call

Scene 1: A Charlatan's Call

Max Murlock: Thank you for coming. My name is Max, and I’m in a spot of
trouble. Lady Nora approached me and asked that I find her missing
husband. She fears he is been kidnapped or worse, but the Watch
isn’t taking his disappearance seriously.
That’s where you come in. You see… I’m not actually a private
investigator. I just sort of… play one. Ladies love a dark, brooding
bad boy — *cough cough* anyway — the lady suspects he might
have been slumming at a watering hole in Middle Dura when he
was taken. I’ve had my run-ins with the law, so I can’t get within one
hundred feet of the place before being chased off by the Watch. I’m
a lover, not a fighter.
I’ve got 50 galifars (gp) with your name on it if you can get to
the bottom of this mystery and make me look like the hero. What
d’you say?

Cobaltus: Ok
Who is Lady Nora?

Max Murlock:
Nora Ir’Roole is a noble and is distraught.

Cobaltus: What's her husband name?

Max Murlock: Drevan

Cobaltus: Where was he last seen?

Max Murlock: He usually hangs out at the Half-Pint Tavern
in Middle Dura.

Cobaltus: Ok I need the payment upfront.

Max Murlock: What? Don't you trust me?

Cobaltus: Not at all.

Max Murlock: Well I trust you. There 50 galifars.

Scene 2: Looking for Clues

Scene 2a: Standing at the Door

"Dura Quarter is the oldest in Sharn, and it shows in the cracks in
both stone and enchantments never restored. Middle Dura is closer
to a lower ward than other quarters, catering to the working and
lower class. It is not where you imagine Drevan, a nobleman, would
decide to spend his evenings.
The Half-Pint Tavern looks no different on the outside than any
other storefront. It sports a faded sign, scarred exterior, and a sturdy
door with a good lock. It is immediately forgettable, except for the
people by the door.
A member of the Sharn Watch stands in front of the Half-Pint
Tavern, a look of fatigue and annoyance on his face. In front of him,
a nervous half-elf paces back and forth. As you watch, the half-elf
turns to say something to the guard, which only brings a scowl to
the human’s face. He decides against it and heads off down the

The characters need to get inside the Half-Pint Tavern to look
for clues, however, they need to get past the watchman (human
guard) first.
Cobaltus tries to enter the tavern.

Watchman: Halt, no one but the law can enter this place.
Cobaltus offers a coin to the watchman: I have urgent business inside this stablishment.Cha 16-2=14 vs 10

Watchman: Ok whatever. I didn't see you.

Scene 2b: Scene of the Crime

"The inside of the Half-Pint Tavern has obvious signs of a struggle.
There are knocked over chairs and an overturned table. The
commotion seems to be focused around one particular corner
where broken glass from a bottle and goblet lies on the floor. You
find dried liquid on the ground and you see some darker spots that
might be blood."

Taking 20 on int 24

The Struggle. Characters searching the overturned table and
chairs gain the following information:
• Amongst the chairs and table is a large scrap of cloth that
shifts in color. It has intricate stitching on the inside and the
colors indicate glamerweave.
• Someone fought hard to rip this cloth and probably damaged
the entire garment.
• What is most striking is the pungent smell of sour perfume
and rot.

The scrap of cloth contains a maker’s mark, a high end tailor
that deals with exclusive clientele in Upper Menthis, near
Morgrave University

The Floor. A character searching the floor receives the following
• A fallen purse is stuck in the corner of the room, coins
spilling from it. The identification papers for Drevan ir’Roole
are inside.
• There are 211 gp in various coinage (mostly galifars and
platinum dragons) in the purse, so robbery does not appear
to be a motive.

Int check 5+4= 9

Cobaltus doesn't know about the pattern.
The Blood. A character looking at the blood on the floor gains the
following information:
•     There is a lot of blood splatter and small spots of blood, but
no large pools to indicate someone died here.
•     The blood trail leads behind the counter and out the back

Cobaltus follows the blood to the back door.

Scene 2C: Back Alley

"The back door of the Half-Pint Tavern leads into a narrow alley.
The smell is unpleasant and there are puddles of stagnant water
that lead from the mouth of the alley to the door. You can see a
few spots of dried blood and even a smear along one wall. A figure
sits huddled behind some crates where the alley meets the street,
partially obscured from view."

Cobaltus asks Bort the beggar: Hello were you here to nights ago? Did you see something.

Bort the beggar Ignores Cobaltus

Cobaltus gives him a gold coin.

Bort the beggar:

“Two nights ago? Yeah, I remember. Five of them came out, a couple
of them wearing those fancy theatre masks with red markings on
them like dragonmarks. One of them was hurt pretty bad, bleeding
over there, another was out cold, being carried by two others.
“I followed them a bit, none the wiser, as they went straight for
the lifts. Maybe have a chance to pocket something of value as they
hurried along. The bleeding one wanted to go straight up to Clifftop
to find a healer, so they split up. Nowhere to hide on a lift, so I
watched them go from the shadows. Returned to my spot later on,
none the wiser.”

Cobaltus: Did the kidnappers say anything?
“Yes, some sort of weird nonsense as they split up, ‘fear reveals
truth’, like it was a greeting. The one with the fancy cloak also
said something about the ‘Shaper of Nightmares’ — brought
chills to my spine the way he intoned it.”

Cobaltus: Was there anything distinctive about the kidnappers?
“The one with the fancy cloak had a weird smell about him.
The injured one was missing his mask, but I didn’t get a good
look at his face — not too good with the lights around here.”

Wisdom 16 insight.

Cobaltus flikers cold energy on his hand: Are you sure you told me everything you know?

Intimidate with adv. 15 -1 = 14

Bort the beggar trembling slowly shows a symbol of the Cult of the Dragon Below.

Knowledge 9+4 = 13

Cobaltus has no idea what this is.

Gather information about the masks 10-1= 9

Gather information about the pattern 6-1 = 5

Where to get healing: 13-1 = 12

Cobaltus finds out
"Clifftop, with its high concentration of adventurers and
their accident-prone lifestyle, is the best place to find a
medic or healer—especially one that operates at all hours of
the day or night. It is also the quickest and closest place to
find a healer that does not ask unwanted questions."

Scene 3B: No Friend of Mine

Cobaltus goes to clifftop to try to find out more about the injured person.

You there! We know you met with Murlock top of the morning! That
snake owes us money, and since he gave us the slip, we’re going to
collect from you! Your purses now or after we knock you down, your
choice!” His words are punctuated by meaty slaps of his club

Cobaltus casts Mage armor.

Orcs attack: 13

Cobaltus defense: 18 and 12

Armor 5-1 = 4

Armand attack: 4 vs 11

Cobaltus attack: 17+3 = 20
attack 2 bladded kilt: 4

Orc A Armor 2

Cobaltus defense: 18 + 3 and 4 + 3

Cobaltus armor 5-2 = 4

Armand attack: 2

Cobaltus attack

5 + 3 = 8

bladded kilt 11

Orc A armor 1

Cobaltus defense: 8 and 19.

Armor 5 - 3 = 2

Armand attack: 3

cobaltus attack: 9+3 and 1. Bladded kilt brakes.

Orc A HP 4

cobaltus defense: 12 + 3 and 11 + 3

Armand attack: 4 + 2

Cobaltus casts grease: 5 + 4 fails.

Cobaltus SP 3

Cobaltus defense: 23 and 14.

cobaltus casts grease: 7 + 4 = 11 succes.

cobaltus SP 2

Orcs fall to the floor.

Armand attack adv. 17

Orc A HP 3

Cobaltus attacks adv. 21

Orc A HP 2

Orcs stand up 18 18

cobaltus defense: 9 and 8.

Armor 2 - 2 = 0

Armand Attack 19

Orc A HP 1

Cobaltus attack 8

Cobaltus defense 9 and 4

Cobaltus hp: 6 - 2 = 4

Armand Attack 18

Orc A HP 1

Cobaltus Mage Armor. 14 success.

SP 1

Cobaltus AC 4

Cobaltus defence: 22 and 17

Armand attack: 4

Cobaltus Grease: 13 succes.

Orcs stand up

Cobaltus defense: 10 and 13

cobaltus AC 3

Armand attack: 14

Orc A HP 0

Cobaltus attack 18

Orc B AC 3 - 1 = 2

Armand attack 12

Orc B AC 2 - 1 = 1

Cobaltus defense 15

Armand attack: 9

Cobaltus attack: 7

Cobaltus defense 14

Armand attack 11

Orc B AC 1 - 1 = 0

Cobaltus attack: 10

Cobaltus defense 3

Cobaltus ac 3 - 1 = 2

Armand Attack: 11

Orc B HP 3

Cobaltus attack: 3

cobaltus defense: 16

armand attack: 11

Orc B HP 2

Orc B flees.

Healer! A young halfling woman
named Jayree is called to the scene of
the fight. She bandages the injured, but
her hands seem to shake at the sight of
blood. If any of the characters notice,
she smiles politely, “It’s only my second
day and I’m a bit nervous, but I assure
you I am well-trained! First it was those
performers early morning yesterday,
now this today.”

The watch comes to the scene witness tell how the orcs tried to asault the warforged.

Cobaltus asks Jayree about the performers: What perfomers?

she tells the characters she
treated them inside the Korranor Arena, a theatre nearby. She
describes the troupe as wearing dark cloaks and porcelain masks
with red markings.

Cobaltus ask Jayree to heal him.-20 gp.

Scene 4: Life's a Stage

Upper Dura: The Korranor

Cobaltus casts invisibility. 8 fails SP 3
Tries again. nat 20.double time. SP 2

Cobaltus enters the theatre and sees the 3 cultists and Echo about to perform the ritual.

Cobaltus moves 8 feet towards stage and casts iceball (18) so he would get Echo and the 3 cultists.
SP 1
How many of the cultist can he get without harming Drevan? 1

Cultist and Echo dex save: 6 and 6

Echo hp Armor 1 HP 5
cultist hp 0
Echo dex 13.

Echo jumps from the stage and runs towards Cobaltus.
2 cultists crossbow Cobaltus defense 7 and 9.
Cobaltus hp 3

Armand comes in the theatre

Cobaltus casts invisibility 19 and moves towards the right side.
SP 0

Echo casts shield of fait. 17 AC 3

Cultist search for cobaltus 20 and 8. One of them sees a char moving and goes towards it.

Armand comes and attacks the other Cultist. 11, hits.

Cultist out.

Cobaltus attacks the nearest cultists. Fails

Echo hold person on Colbaltus. Cobaltus is holded.

Armand attacks the other cultist. 19

cultist out.

Cobaltus wis save 15 still on hold.

Echo attacks armand. nat 1 misses. weapon is broken.

Armand attacks Echo. 21

Echo AC 2 HP 5

Cobaltus wis save 13 fails

Echo casts command. 12

Armand wis save 12.

Cobaltus wis save 11.

Echo cast spiritual weapon. 17

Armand defense 5

Armand AC 0

Cobaltus wis save 19 saved.

Cobaltus attacks echo. 13 hits

Echo AC 1 HP 5

Echo attacks armand

Armand defense  18

Cobaltus attacks echo. 5 miss

Echo attacks Armand

Armand defense 1 looses 2 points HP 3

Cobaltus attacks Echo. 8

Echo attacks Armand 8 miss

Armand attacks Echo 9 miss

Cobaltus attacks Echo. 16

Echo AC 0 HP 5

Echo attacks Armand 13

Armand attacks Echo 13 hits

Echo HP 4

Cobaltus attacks Echo miss

Echo attacks Armand
Defense 3
Armand HP 2

Armand attacks echo miss

Cobaltus attacks echo 5

Echo attacks Armand
Armand defense 6 Armand hp 0

Cobaltus attacks Echo 19

Echo HP 3

Echo attacks Cobaltus 9

Cobaltus attacks Echo 12

Echo HP 2

Echo attacks Cobaltus
Cobaltus defense 14

Cobaltus attacks echo 13
Echo HP 1

Echo attacks Cobaltus
Cobaltus defense 15

Cobaltus attacks echo
Echo hp 0

Messenger comes from Echo's chest.
Cobaltus attacks messenger. Fails.


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