Rednoir in Eberron - The forgotten forge playthrough

Our beloved party going through "The forgotten forge" a level 1 adventure. I didn't like this one that much that's why I kind of struggled to finish it. I mean I like it as a normal adventure but wasn't that great for solo.

This version of the sisterhood is really close to the "canon" group. Except Skyme is a normal halfling and Faraled is a normal elf.

Why is the Rednoir Sisterhood in Sharn?

Balack thought it was a good place for a party of adventurers to earn some money.

Part one: Death in the Upper City

1 The bloody bridge

The group is in Sharn, the city of towers.

Curtains of water fall from the sky as you traverse the labyrinthine walkways of Sharn. The stone and wooden paths wind around and between the towers and spires high above the ground, forming a complex latticework that can be very confusing on evenings such as this. The rain falls hard, running off higher walkways and balconies in drenching waves, making it difficult to see much more than a few feet ahead of you. The distant glow of everbright lanterns, barely visible in the soaking gloom, does little to light the paths on this warm, wet evening.

Faraled Perception 19

Faraled sees a humanoid laying down on the side of the bridge.

Faraled: Girls look. What's that over there?

Balack: Let's go take a look.

The group approaches the person laying down.

Balack: Far get closer and check him out please. - Balack prepares to cast a spell if something happens.

Faraled: Is dead.

Faraled searches the body.

In that moment a bulky humanoid jumps from under the bridge right next to Faraled trying to smash him with an axe. It's a warforged, a living construct, his right hand is an axe.

Faraled avoids the attack and it lands on the dead body slicing it in halves. Clank!

Initiative: Warforged, Balack, Zharina, Skymie, Faraled.

The warforged shifts its weight to his left leg and tries to strike Faraled again swinging his axe-hand up.

Warforged: Get away from him!

Faraled barely avoids the blade.

Balack. Ray of frost: 14

Balack whispers arcane words and waves a hand shooting a ray of freezing air at the warforged.

Warforged grunts.

Zharina attacks: 18

Zharina charges toward the living construct striking with her pole-axe.

Opening a gash on the warforged chest plates.

Zharina: ha!

Skymie attack: 17

Skymie throws a knife aimed at the enemy's eye.

Skyme: Take that tin man!

It scratches the side of its head wounding part of the organic wood like tissue.

Skyme: Is not fun if It's face doesn't express pain. Damn constructs!

Faraled: It was an obvious mistake to attack me sir.

Faraled attack: 19

Faraled kicks the warforged in the shin. The impact throws the enemy 4 inches in the air and it lands on her back unconscious.

The party hears people yelling:

"Hey, Stop that!" "Call the Watch!" "Murder they are murdering a man!"

A tiny mechanical fly-like creature separates from the warforged torso and flies away super fast.

Balack tries to catch it. 16 Fails.

Skyme " . 14 fails.

Falared. 18 fails.

Balack: search both bodies.

Zharina takes a look at  the warforged and finds nothing. Perception 6

Faraled loots the dead body. Perception 15 And finds a lather satchel with a journal inside.

2 The city watch

Two males and a female wearing the green-and-black studded leather of Sharn's Watch, emerge from the rain-drenched night. The leader, a powerful build dwarf with a close-cropped beard, steps forward, leveling his crossbow in your direction. The small ball of arcane light, hovering just above and behind his left shoulder, illuminates the area. To each side, a human male and female stand with halberds at the ready.

Dolom: Olladra's bloody nose!

By order of the watch drop your weapons and explain yourselves.

Diplomacy 9.

Balack: Do as he says.

The Skymie grunting puts her crossbow and the belt with throwing knives on the floor.

Zharina's magical blade disappears and she slowly puts the handle on the floor.

Balack: Salutations...

She looks at the markings on the dwarf armor... Knowledge local 16

Balack: Sargent.

My colleagues and I were just crossing the bridge when we stumbled upon this unfortunate individual who lays here. -pointing at one of the halves- and here - pointing at the other half.

Then this warforged appeared from the side of the bridge and tried to slice my colleague Faraled over here.

Faraled nods.

We had to stop him so we acted in self-defense.

Dolom suspicious: Who are you?

Balack: We are adventurers looking for jobs. We don't want any trouble with the law. We are going to collaborate to the best of our capacity.

Faraled pointing to the mark on the street floor between both parts of the corpse: As you can see the defunct over here was cut in halves by the axe-hand of the warforged.

Faraled Pointing to the axe-hand: His weapon is stained with his blood. Thanks to the gods none of us were harmed.

Dolom is not convinced but not having further evidence against the party...

Dolom: Come with us to the station so we can have your statement officially.

Balack: Of course, we will be happy to help.

The party went to the station and repeated what they already said. Signed some documents and left.

Once out and away from the law representatives, Balack says: Zharina what did you find on the body.

Zharina: just this.

Zharina shows the satchel and takes out the journal.

Balack: Let me see. History 18

Blank pages.

This is a very old version of the House Cannit seal. (A stylized anvil and hammer inside a circle)

I wonder how much is worth it. I'll keep it for now.

A cloaked figure approaches.

If you want to know the truth of Bonal Geldem's murder, go to the Broken Anvil tavern at dawn."

3 The broken anvil

Balack: I guess we will have to go to the tavern.

(More talking about this)

Faraled approaches Balack and talks to her almost whispering: Please miss Rednoir, promise you won't drink until we solve this mystery.

Balack: Ok ok.

Balack addiction roll 16

The sign above the door indicates the establishment belongs to House Ghallanda.

They come in.

A mature female halfling welcomes them:

Welcome to the Broken Anvil, I'm Horlana the matron please follow me.

She leads them to a secluded table near the back of the common room. There a woman awaits already seated.

Horlana: My lady, your guest has arrived.

The human female in the dark blue cloak has delicate features, dark blue eyes, and sleek black hair bound with silver and turquoise ornaments and speaks in a soft but clear voice: Thank you for coming. We have important business to discuss that relates to the unfortunate death of Bonal Geldem. Please sit down.

She points to glasses and three pitchers - ale, wine, and water- then gets right to business.

All but Skymie ignore the drinks. When she reaches for the wine bottle Faraled looks and kindly shook his head "no".

Skymie sits back shrugging.

Lady Elaydren: I have been working with Provost Geldem to recover a family heirloom. We were to meet earlier tonight, but as you know, he never made it. I learned from the Watch what had transpired, and so sent one of my men to track you down.

The heirloom, according to family legends, was looked away in a foundry that dates back to pre- Galifar Sharn. Poor Bonal believed he discovered the location of the foundry in an ancient House Cannith journal. I was going to fund an expedition to go to the site, but without Bonal... Her voice trails off then she leans close.

Perhaps you would be willing to recover the heirloom for me. For a generous reward, of course.

Did you happen to have found a journal? Maybe Bonal dropped it when he was attacked.- Asked the lady. - It's of no value for non Canniths- added after perceiving some hesitation from the group.

- Give the lady the Journal- Says Balack calmly.

The lady took the journal with her wrinkled semi stiff hands, her signet ring and the mithral threads on the cover glowed in unison as she took hold of the small book. When she opened it, the blank pages immediately began to fill with delicate script and line drawings. She turned to a specific page, studied it for a moment, and then pulled a folded map from inside her cloak.

“The location of the lost foundry is deep within the Dorasharn Tower,” Lady Elaydren proclaimed. “Fifty-seven levels below the tower’s present-day sewer system. I offer you one thousand gold pieces and the good will of my house if you recover the heirloom and return it to me. Will you help me?”

“The relic I seek is an adamantine plate in the shape of a seven-pointed star about the size of your hand,” Elaydren explains. “It has no special power by itself, but is an ancient schema—a piece of a pattern used by the Cannith artificers of old to craft unusual items. Recover this piece of history for us, and House Cannith will be extremely grateful.”

Balack: Could you offer more than 1k?  rolls diplomacy 13

Elaydren: Sorry 1000 is all I have now but I promise you will be considered for future lucrative endeavors from my house.

Balack: Ok 1000 it is, it’s a deal. Guys let’s go prepare for tomorrow. Nice to meet you Lady Elaydren we will be talking soon.

Lady Elaydren: I hope so. Good night.

Part Two: Into the Depths

4 The rat’s market

The tunnels and corridors at this level of the tower are narrow and dark. An occasional window slit looks out upon the crowded walls and foundations of other towers, and infrequently placed torches sputter here and there, giving off pallid pools of light and clouds of smoke. Even so, rough and dirty people crowd the narrow corridors, and the smell of sweat and sewage permeates the stale air. One tunnel opens onto a large chamber, where a mix of goblins, humans, and shifters gather around a small pile of garbage spread across three rotting blankets. One of the goblins shouts, “No pushing! No pushing! There’s always enough for everyone at the Rat’s Market!”

Balack Gather information: 16

Balack finds someone who could lead them to the valve. A merchant goblin by the name Skakan.

The group finds Skakan at the rat market.

Balack:  Good day are you Skakan?

Shakan: Who want's to know?

Balack:  We were informed that Skakan is renown for his knowledge of the tunels and he could point us to a specific valve on the sewers. We are willing to pay a fee of course.- Says Balack smiling. Diplomacy 9.

Shakan: Oh yeah? well is not going to be cheap for sure. 100 Sp.

Skyme: 100 Sp! Let me show him! - Said Skyme reaching for her crossbow only to be stoped by Faraled.

Balack: Ok 100 Sps, I'll give you 50 now and 50 when we get there.

Shakan: Deal! But control your little rat over there!

Skyme grunts.

The group starts walking following Skakan

Zharina perception: 18

Moving from her usual marching position at the rear Zharina calmly walks to Balack's side Zharina: Balack, at the market a Shifter was looking at us, he looked very interested in our business.- casually with her gaze forward to the goblin.

Balack: - Everybody stay alert, we are being watch- Says loud enough to be heard only by the group.

5 Sharn Sewer

"Skakan points out a narrow passage that leads to a staircase that descends deeper into the tower. With each step down, the odor of mold and sewage becomes stronger, and you can hear liquid sounds increasing in volume as you descend."

The staircase is 5 feet across. The group goes in this marching order. Shakan, Faraled, Balack, Skyme and Zharina.


Faraled 4 = 22, Balack 0 = 7, Skyme -2 = 9 , Zharina +3 = 15.

Faraled hears someone coming from the shadows.

Initiative Faraled 2 = 12 Balack 1 = 10 Skyme 5 = 18,  Zharina 4 = 20, Enemy 1 = 14

Zharina, Skyme, Enemy, Faraled, Balack.

Surprise round

“A warforged strikes from the shadows, his rapier piercing the air with deadly efficiency.’You have the provost’s journal.’ the warforged says. It’s not a question. “Give the book to me, and you can live to see another day. Refuse and we will make your deaths slow and painful.”

Warforged attacks Zharina.

Zharina defends: 14

Zharina avoids the rapier dodging it with ease.

Faralet jumps behind the enemy 16 and tries to kick. 15 but the living constructs ducks on time.

Normal round

Zharina attacks: 15

Zharina’s staff activates creating the glowing black blade. She swings but misses.*

Skyme: Another construct, how boring!

Skyme throws a knife at the warforged. Misses.10

Warforged attacks Zharina.11 misses

Faraled attacks the Warforged. 8 misses


Casts hideous laughter on the warforged. 15



Round 2

Two shifters appear from downstairs. One of them Attacks Shakan

Two shifters, Zharina, Skyme, Faraled, Balack.

The staircase is 5 feet across. The group goes in this order. Shakan, Faraled, Balack, Skyme and Zharina.

Shifter attacks Shakan 11+2

Shakan HP 3

Zharina attacks warforged 16+4 20

Skyme attacks warforged 5+5 10 hits

Warforged is unconscious.

Faraled goes through the enemies. 19+2 21 attack 2+4 = 6 miss

Shakan steps back.

Balack cast acid splash 17+4 21

Shifter unconcius

Skyme throws a knife 6+5 = 11

Round 3

1 shifter attacks Faraled 4 +2 misses

Zharina moves and attacks 18+4 22

Shifter unconscious.

The party continues. Shakan leaves them here.
6 The door to yesterday

*Changed to 3d8 system

A circular metal hatch, set into the tunnel wall and engraved with arcane runes, must be the sealed door that Elaydren told you about. In the middle of the hatch, a glowing circle of mithral depicts the same icon as on Bonal’s journal- the ancient symbol of House Cannith that predates the founding of the Kingdom of Galifar itself, a stylized anvil and hammer.

Skyme awareness Skyme 24.: This is a trap boss! Wait.

Skyme tries to disable the trap. 7 K 9 H 11 L success

Does Balack think of the journal to open the door? 3 K 5 H 3 L 11+4= 15. Yes.

Balack: Wait let me try something. She uses the journal. She places the journal on the icon.

The door opens.

Part Three: The Ruins of Dorasharn.

The vertical shaft is a mix of crumbling earth and ancient stone, and centipedes and other insects cover the walls like living decorations. The long descent takes you deeper into the bowels of Dorasharn Tower. Soon, the shaft begins to angle, and by bracing yourself you can actually walk along one of the surfaces. Farther still and the shaft becomes a tunnel and the footing is no longer difficult to maintain or treacherous.

The tunnel eventually opens onto a vast chamber, though it emerges about six feet above the food. You can’t see the distant walls in the darkness and the ruins of nearby walls and building appear as deep shadow in the eternal tower night but you can feel the change in air currents and pressure that indicate a large open space ahead of you.

Balack cast entangle, vegetation grows on the walls making it easier to climb down: Ok let’s go.

Balack transforms into her fox form and jumps to Faraleds shoulder.

Zharina noods.

Skyme jumps and then uses knives against the walls to slow her fall. 5 K 6 H 5 L 16+7 = 23 success.

Zharina buts her staff on her back and climbs down. 3 K 3 H 12 L 18+4 = 22

Faraled climbs down. 5 K 4 H 3 L + 4 = 16

1. Beetle swarm.

A constant background noise rises from the walls and ruins around you. It takes a moment to recognize, but eventually, the sounds of chittering and buzzing can be picked out from among the cacophony. It’s not unlike the sound of insects in the King’s Forest, except that the chamber seems to amplify and echo the noise in disturbing ways.

Awareness: Zharina 13 Skyme 10 Balack 29 Faraled 16. Only Balack and Faraled act on the surprise round.

Initiative: Zharina 14, Skyme 21, Balack 20, Faraled 25, Monsters 10

Surprice round.

Balack jumps from back from Faraled, and turns into human form.

Faraled full defence.

Monsters attack Zharina. 7 K 6 H 14  success. 27 Zharina Vit 2/4

Normal round.

Faraled full defence.

Balack withering entangle. DC 13 7 K 6 H 2 L 15.

Plants and roots grow from the floor trapping and drying the insects.

Faraled heal Zharina: -3 K 6 H 10 L + 4 = 17 DC 15 (Vit 4 + 1 for the second point down)

Faraled heal Zharina: 4 K -2 H 6 L  + 4 = 12 DC 14 Fail.

Faraled heal Zharina: 10 K 4 H 5 L + 4 = 23 Success. Zharina 4/4

4. Horrid Rats

The party continues thru the ruins and 2 horrid rats attacks them.


Zharina 21 Skyme 18 Balack 12 Faraled 14 Monsters 11

Zharina attacks 6 L 5 H 4 K + 4 = 19 vs 14 Rat 0/1

Rat unconcius.

Skyme attacks with crossbow 6 L 8 H 2 K + 7 = 23 Rat -1/0 dead

Balack ray of frost (1)-8 3 H 6 K = 1 vs 14 Balack soul 3/4

1 Hits Balack, 2 Zharina, 3 Skyme, 4 Faraled

Missfires on herself Balack vit 3/4

Faraled attacks the rat (1)-6 L 5 H 4 K = 3 vs 14 Faraled 3/4

Rat vs Zharina or Faraled? 1 Zharina

Rat 13 L 5 H 2 K +3 vs 23 plus 1 acid Vs 15 Zharina's dex 2/5

Zharina 19 L 4 H 8 K = 31 vs 13  Rat is destroyed.

2. Temple

Faraled com 4 L 6 H 5 K + 1 = 16

Faraled recognizes ancient symbols of Onar.
Skyme awa 7 L 7 L 8 K + 2 + 1 = 25
Skyme finds a font with clear liquid. (3 doses of cure)

Balack and Faraled inspect the font.

5 L 5 H 1 K + 5 = 16 Faraled
6 L 1 H 1 K + 3 = 11 Balack

Faraled: It's some sort of healing magic.

Faraled drinks Vit 4/4
Zharina drinks Dex 4/5

Faraled heals Zharina 2 L 4 H 1 K + 5 = 12 vs 13
Faraled heals Zharina 6 L 2 H 1 K + 5 = 14 vs 13

Zharina Dex 5/5

5. House Cannith foundry

 After trying to open the door the same way as they did the other one. They explore around the building and find the hole in the ceiling. 

They go down the hole using ropes. Skyme goes first and is ambushed by 2 iron defenders.

Zharina 14
Skyme 21
Balack 15
Faraled 10
Monsters 7
Skyme Balack Zharina Faraled Monsters

Iron defender 1 vs Skyme 6 L 2 H 3 K + 1 = 12 vs 17  hurts itself. 0/1
Iron defender 2 vs Skyme 4 L 1 H 3 K + 1 = 8 vs 17 hurts itself 0/1

As both iron defenders try to attack Skyme they bump into each other destroying themselves.

They take time looking around and find:
1 Suit of scalemail
1 Small masterwork chain shirt
3 small steel shields
1 heavy mace
1 longsowrd
1 masterwork rapier
1 masterwork heavy mace
2 sunrods

The vault
Skyme places the rods.
gets 1 point of electricity. 0/1 she is unconscious.

Faraled heals Skyme. 6 L 1 H 3 K + 4 = 14 vs DC 13 Skyme 1/1

Faraled puts the rots on the right orther but there is one missing.

They search for the rod and find it buried on the rubble from the cealing.

Now they put the rods on the right combination.

The forge and furnace opens:
Hidden vault:
100 sp, 100 gp, 4 gold ingots each worth 50 gp.
3 potions of cure moderate wounds, 1 potion of mage armor,
an old map and the echema.

3. Saber's Ambush

Saber shoots one bolt vs 

Zharina 14
Skyme 22
Balack 11
Faraled 19

Balack 2 L 1 H 8 K +7 K + 4 = 22 vs Balack def  12 0/2

Zharina 22 (+1 heart point)
Skyme 26
Balack 9
Faraled 17
Monsters 9

Skyme, Zharina, Faraled, Saber

Skyme awa 3 L 6 H 7 K + 1 =18 vs 12 It's over there.

Skyme shoots crossbow (8+1)9 L 2 H 6 K = 17 Vs 14  Saber Dex 3/4

Zharina charges towards the Warforged  7 L 5 H 1 K + 5 = 18 Vs 14 Saber Dex 2/4

Faraled attacks the warforged 7 L 7 H 3 K + 4 = 21 Vs 14 Saber Vit 3/4

Saber attacks Faraled +1 sword 6 L 2 H 5 K + 3 = 16 vs 15 Far Vit 3/4

Round 2

Skyme vs Saber 7 L 1 H 5 K + 7 = 20 vs 14 Saber Dex 1/4 Skyme looses heart point. 

Zharina activates weapon (Magic elemental 1 per day) to fire.
5 L 4 H 1 K + 5 = 16 vs 15 Saber Dex 0/4 he is paralyzed.

Faraled heals Balack 14 L 5 H 5 K + 3 = 28 vs 14 Balack is back 2/2 Vit


They get the extra 900 gp



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